Epic Thor IIPA
Thor is our entrant into the 2016 West Coast IPA challenge on the 29 th of July at The Malthouse in Wellington.
Inspiration for Thor came from Luke's trip earlier in the year to the Craft Brewers Conference in Philadelphia. While there he drank several different examples of the developing and evolving new IPA style for the East Coast. East Coast IPAs are identified by their cloudy appearance, which comes from hop haze, and a big hop aroma and juicy hop taste (the kegged version of this beer has been kept cloudy, but the bottle version is filtered and bright).
The beer has a big hop aroma that is dank, resinous and fruity from the use of Nelson Sauvin and CTZ hops. The bitterness level is lower than regular Epic beers, which is also the same in the Thunder and Stone Hammer beers. Extremely well balanced, juicy and delicious.
Where & when you can get it: Kegs and bottles are out in the wilds of NZ now, we'll let you know when the shipment to Australia is on it's way.