UPDATE Thursday 5th March 2020
It's that time of the week again for a summary of what's been happening and what is coming up.
CHINA HOP ZOMBIE. Canceled Export Order. I am so grateful to everyone that came down on Friday and Saturday last week to pick up cases of Hop Zombie and Armageddon IPA. There were queues out the door and parking spaces were definitely at a premium there for a while on Friday afternoon. Which did upset the neighbours which we did resolve but will have to be smarter in the future. Saturday was a bit more relaxed but it saw Armageddon IPA sell out. We do have some Hop Zombie left but only 90 cases. If you want some please be aware that our special license means we can't sell any before 4pm on Friday. First in gets the Zombie. Our other beers are also available to buy either by the can/bottle, by the case or by the GROWLER for the TAP BEERS.
30 LITRE KEGS - HOP ZOMBIE. It was suggested that maybe we should offer the public the CHINA HOP ZOMBIE 30 LITRE one way kegs. We have several of these available which might be fun for those people with a keg set up or kegerator at home. (D type coupler) As with last week, these beers are PICK UP ONLY, and the price isn't going to be published before hand.
EPIC HQ FRIDAY 4pm to 8pm WITH Poutine Machine
EPIC HQ SATURDAY 1pm to 5pm WITH Miso Ra
PIXIES - Pre Drinks at Brew on Quay - FRIDAY 6th March
The Great Kiwi Beer Festival 2020 - HAMILTON - SATURDAY 7th March
Sten & Eliie will be in here, Luke will be at the Taproom in Auckland.
Grill Meats Beer - Battle Of The Burgers! - WELLINGTON
with Burgers / Beers / Epic Prizes
If it's your birthday head to Brew on Quay now till Sunday and they will give you a present if you show them this post. Birthday and Pixies FTW!
POMEROYS / DRAMFEST Epic Pale Ale Cocktail
If you are in Christchurch for Dramfest, keep in mind Poms have this Epic Cocktail.
PIZZA OVEN ARRIVED - in case you missed the video of the Pizza Oven arriving on Monday. Everyone is very excited to try the pizza, and we have started some research trying other pizzas out there to decide what we like. We still need to get several items and work out the final location for the oven. Things needed still, are like a prep bench, a peel, freezer, fridge, dough, sauce, and fixings. These are being worked on and we are targeting having it up and running by the end of the month. It is our intention to still have FOOD TRUCKS as we love the different variety of food we get and the people are so lovely too. It's about mixing it up. We aren't sure how food trucks will work over the winter hence the pizza oven backup plan.
VIDEO - https://www.facebook.com/epicbeer/videos/2580309662289206/
WHAT PIZZA DO YOU LIKE? - we would love to know what type of pizza you like, and don't like. Many people are saying pineapple shouldn't be on pizza? If you have some thoughts could you share them on this post so that they are all in one place.
NEW BEER - WEAPONIZED IPA - this has been our fasting selling new beer release at the Taproom. Even faster than last months Wonder Joose release. There seems to be some interesting feedback from people. They are really excited to actually have a new beer release which isn't a Hazy IPA. There has been some surprise that the beer isn't face peelingly bitter but actually super drinkable with a fantastic green resinous dank hop character. The beer is the weapon and it is weaponizing you.
THIS WEEK ON TAP - Unfortunately there will be no hazy IPA on tap this week as we sold out of Wonder Joose (still have hazys available in can) We are still a week away from our next Hazy IPA release (something to look forward to for next week). Weaponized IPA will be on tap again, plus cans to take away. I haven't discussed with Ben yet what his plan for the other taps are, but there will be a new keg of Hop Zombie because everyone loves that. The bar will be away this week in Hamilton for the Great Kiwi Beer Festival. We will have the table with chilly bin taps. When this happens (because of beer festivals) it just makes us a little bit more motivated to build our permanent bar. First things first, get the kitchen sorted and finished.
3000 GIN & TONICS - did you know we have over 300 different GINS, and 10 different TONICS. So we can make you over 3000 different G&T's. YES all the Gins on display have Gin in them. They aren't empty bottles. We even have several bottles which are the only bottle of its kind in NZ.
KIDS & DOGS WELCOME - at the Epic HQ Taproom we have a huge space outside which families are really enjoying cause they can bring the kids and the dog. We have heaps of chalk and games for the kids to play with, and the space is safe and flat so is pretty fun for a scooter.
WHERE IS BLUE? - we seem to be struggling to get Epic BLUE Low Carb Pale Ale to everywhere that people want to buy it. We are working hard but it is taking longer than we had hoped. It is a challenge to convince retailers to stock it to start with as there isn't any sales data to go on for a craft low carb beer. If you want it, make sure you ask you local liquor store, supermarket or bar to stock it. If you can't find it do what many others are doing right now, which is buying it online, or picking up a case at the Taproom.
BUY BLUE ONLINE - https://epicbeer.com/collections/beers/products/epic-blue-24-x-330ml-cans
NZ HOP HARVEST IS UNDERWAY - check out this cool slo-mo video from New Hoplands drying the first of the Riwaka hops
NEW EMPLOYEE - I'd like to thank everyone that shared the job listing, and those that applied. We got some really great candidates, and it was hard work just picking one. So congratulations to Claire who has joined the Epic team, we are all looking forward to getting to know you as well as share a beer to two.
LIVE MUSIC - Metallica & Black Sabbath - WIN TICKETS / BUY TICKETS
Go in the draw to win a double pass to our Metallica/Black Sabbath Tribute Show on the 28th March. All you have to do is pop into the Taproom for a beer and fill in you name and contact details. There will be a double pass for every Friday and Saturday from now till the show. That's 8 double passes we are giving away. Easy.
VIDEO GUITAR SOLO Sharne Scarborough - https://www.facebook.com/events/2449504225313715/permalink/2456229774641160/
We have loaded our skeleton events pages for the week leading to GABS. We know there are people coming from out of town and from overseas and they want to plan ahead. If you want to stay up with the details around these events then give them a like so when we post new information you will be the first to know. Some of the events will be ticketed so you don't want to miss out on when the tickets will be available. FYI Epic Beer HQ Taproom is only 10 mins from GABS, and 10mins from Auckland Airport. So convenient.
1st July - Auckland Beer Week - New Epic Beer Release
2nd July - Auckland Beer Week - An Evening With Luke
3rd July - Auckland Beer Week - Epic Friday Epicness
4th July - GABS InBetweener
5th July - POST GABS - Brewers Brunch