China Travels - First Event in Beijing

China Travels - First Event in Beijing

If you read the post from yesterday titled "How Google Translate turned Luke into a God", you know how it can be a little tricky to get some of the finer points of what's happening at the events that Luke is attending on his trip around China. Regardless, it is easy to see that there are a lot of people in China that love our beer - and Luke! Luke's first event soon after arriving in Beijing was at Drunk Restaurant, where a group had the opportunity to taste Hop Zombie and Lupulingus and discuss the intricacies of the beer, and no doubt, the importance of the hops in them. Epic fans even had the opportunity to purchase a bottle of the Epic 10/1000 Celebration Ale, an Epic T-shirt, and even get them both signed by Luke himself. Have a read of the original article here - CHINA CHOICE. Here are some of Luke's images from the night. [caption id="attachment_4431" align="alignnone" width="390"]14469311_10154586811787156_1353407711_n One of Luke's Beijing Fans[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4432" align="alignnone" width="389"]14470910_10154586811067156_1255890652_n Autographs[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4433" align="alignnone" width="387"]14489008_10154586811962156_1179282889_o The serious stuff - discussing the beers.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4434" align="alignnone" width="386"]14489008_10154586811967156_340078662_o The custom logo made by imbeer.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4435" align="alignnone" width="384"]14489532_10154586811662156_177840248_o Collector's item?[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_4436" align="alignnone" width="382"]14489793_10154586811812156_1224135062_o Another Luke fan...[/caption] 14509222_10154586811052156_902177016_n 14518285_10154586811647156_2057300898_n Stay tuned to follow the rest of Luke's Journey. Cheers!

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